cOME grow and nuture your spirituality through our special events.

Easter Card Making Seminar

April 4th-6th

Facilitator: Sister Donna Smith - Sister of St. Joseph and experienced Card Designer

In preparation for Easter, come and join Sister Donna for a blessed weekend of card design and prayer. Meals, room and materials included in cost.

$250 per person. Arrive at 4:00PM on April 4th - Depart after breakfast on April 6th.

Cup of Light!

September 19 - 21

Facilitator: Karen Lahaise - Writer and musician (YouTube: KarenSLahaise)

Cup of Light! Is a powerful spiritual journey towards Divine Light. Come and spend time with Karen and explore this inspirational book through discussion and art. Participants will enjoy a meditative, expressive weekend led by the esteemed author of this wonderful collection. Meals, room and materials for artistic activities are all included. Cup of Light! may be purchased separately upon arrival.

$300 per person. Arrive: 4:00 p.m. on September 19th - Depart after breakfast on September 21st.

The Potter’s Hands - Day Retreat

September 13

Facilitator: Clarissa Boyce - Chaplain and Spiritual Director, Artist, Potter

Please join Clarissa for a day of reading scripture, quiet reflections and discovering how Our God, the Creator, designed us in His own image. The morning will be devoted to examining scripture, and understanding how it describes the incredible potential in the life Our God has made for us. Once this reflection period has been completed, participants will spend the afternoon creating a piece of art using Air Dry Clay to personify their thoughts. Expect a morning of serene reflection and a relaxing afternoon to compliment it.

$95 per person. Arrive at 9:00 am - depart at 4:00 pm. Cost includes lunch, two breaks and all materials. Please note that there is no pottery wheel or kiln available on site.

Guided Autobiography

May 23 - 25

Facilitator: Camila Reimers - Multiple award-winning author. (

Camila is a trained Guided Autobiography instructor, who can led participants through themes and priming questions that evoke memories of events once known but filed away and seemingly forgotten. Learn how to express your life through words, painting, photography, collage, music, dancing and all the expressions that you choose. Walk by the river, take pictures, meditate and just breathe.

$260 per person. Arrive at 4:00PM - Depart after breakfast. Cost includes meals, room and materials.

ADVENT Card Making Seminar

November 14th-November 16th

Facilitator: Sister Donna Smith - Sister of St. Joseph and experienced Card Designer

In preparation for Advent, come and join Sister Donna for a blessed weekend of card making and prayer. Meals, room and materials included.

$250 per person. Arrive at 4:00PM on November 14th - Depart after breakfast on November 16th.